I have written about some of this
route before but we were
looking to walk a bit further so decided to walk the towpath from Chesterton to Clayhithe
bridge and then come back via Horningsea and Fen Ditton following some of the
Fen Rivers Way.
This trail in its
entirety runs 50 miles between Cambridge and Kings Lynn in Norfolk.
Knowing this part of
Cambridge very well we set off early to
try and avoid the towpath at its busiest.
During the week this is a popular commute into town for cyclists and at
weekends runners, walkers and the rowing coaches on their bikes use it.
At peak times you can spend more time
checking behind you or moving to one side than you do walking!
We got there on a February Sunday morning
about 8.15 and there were rowers already on the water.
For this walk we drove and parked up on Water Street in
Chesterton, near the
Green Dragon pub.
Follow Water Street NW until you come to the river and the
Continue along the towpath passing under the railway bridge.
Looking back towards the rail bridge |
Follow the river as it bears left.
You will pass
Fen Ditton on the other bank.
Continue on walking beneath the A14 road bridge.
Note here the name painted on the side of the
bridge – it has become a bit of a ‘tradition’ for the name of the college who are Head of
the River at
The Bumps (local rowing races) to be painted on the ‘Motorway’
The so-called 'Motorway' bridge |
After this bridge you will come to
Baits Bite Lock.
This is about ¼ of the way and if you want to
cut the walk in half you can cross to the other bank here.
Looking towards Baits Bite Lock |
This point onwards is a much quieter section of the river and we stopped
along here on an old bench for a quick snack and drink.
Continue on until you reach Clayhithe bridge.
Take the path up to the road.
There is a
pub on the other side if you wish
to stop for refreshments.
If continuing
on toward Ely, the Fen River Way on this bank takes a slight detour inland to
the left or you can cross to the other bank.
We crossed the bridge on the same side of the road.
View back down the river from the Clayhithe bridge |
The official Fen Rivers Way South also detours inland here,
you need to cross the road and walk behind the farm.
As it was a Sunday and not busy we
decided to walk towards
Horningsea along the road.
There is a path on the left for a few yards
but then it is advisable to cross the road walking to face the traffic and
stepping up onto the verge if a car approaches.
As the road bears left you can cross again at a large farmhouse and walk on
the footpath that cuts the corner.
After the farm cross the road again and walk until you come
to a gap in the hedge and a signpost on your right (Fen Rivers Way). Go through the gate and cross the meadow on a left diagonal and go through
another gate.
The track now crosses a cultivated field marked with
sticks. It was very muddy when we
Once across the field go over a small bridge and into a meadow and then a field.
Cross this and go through the
gate way and out onto the road.
Walking the Fen Rivers Way towards Horningsea |
There were horses grazing here but they weren't concerned with us.
Go right along the footpath and into Horningsea
There are a few pubs along the
street but we were too early for these to be open so we carried on until we
Scotsdales, a garden centre where we stopped for brunch and to use the
Continue on the path opposite the garden centre until just
out of the village.
There will be a
footpath sign on your right.
The Fen Rivers Way |
Follow this path straight down the edge of the field,
crossing a small bridge and continue along the track until you come to a
house. Take the pathway signposted on
your left and follow this behind the houses and through a small woodland area.
Once through the woodland go through the gateway and you
should be back on the river bank with the A14 bridge in front of you.
The 'Motorway' bridge from the other bank |
Follow the river bank until you go through a
gate to Fen Ditton village.
Take the
track to your left and then a pathway signposted on your right.
Follow the track alongside another field and then onto the
recreation ground. The map shows the
trail following a diagonal path across the rec to the left of the pavilion but
there was a football match going on so we skirted around the right of the pitch
and then down the side of the pavilion coming out on a roadway. The goal keeper had just been sent off and there were deep and heated discussions about who should replace him!
Follow the road to the end and bear left.
Follow this road until you come to the
church on your right.
Take a right
immediately after the church and continue on down the track, bearing left and
through a gate to the meadows.
Fen Ditton church |
Make your way down the meadow to the river bearing
Follow the river to the left,
crossing a small bridge and then going under the railway bridge onto
Stourbridge Common.
Follow the pathway
until you come to a footbridge over the River on your right.
Stourbridge Common |
Cross the bridge and with the Green Dragon pub in front of
you make your way back to where you have parked.
Our route was: 9 miles
See the route on
Terrain: Easy to moderate (due to mud), gravel towpath, farmland, grass meadows (can be wet), some tarmac.
Habitat: River, village, fields, meadows
Facilities: No public toilets on route. Green Dragon pub at start and end. Pub at Clayhithe. Pubs and garden centre in Horningsea. Pubs in Fen Ditton.